New Here?



We're so happy that you chose to visit us today at Solid Rock!

Questions can come up when attending a new church, so we want to share some helpful information with you.

(You can also skip straight to the digital Visitor Connect Card form here.  )



We are a Bible-believing, multi-generational church that blends both traditional and modern elements in our worship. We learn from the wisdom of our lively seniors and grow with the fresh ideas of our students and young adults. We are from all over the Caribbean, U.S., U.K. and beyond. You'll hear many beautiful accents and languages.

We're committed to Christ and service through many ministries including community services, homeless care, a powerful daily prayer line, a kids mentorship program, and much more.

The heart of Solid Rock is community- when you walk through the doors of our church, you walk into family - where you can leave isolation behind and find genuine friendship, purpose, lifelong friends for your kids, and powerful teaching from God's Word that will transform your daily walk with Christ.






To share the love of Christ in a unique way as portrayed in the Gospels through:

SURRENDER - Surrender to Christ who provides hope, healing and wholeness
SERVICE - Service to others because of Christ’s saving Grace that was first demonstrated to us
STEWARDSHIP - Faithful stewardship and dedication of time, temple, talents, and treasure to build up the Kingdom of God
SOUL WINNING - To introduce others to a soul saving love relationship with Jesus Christ in preparation for His soon return



To become the most Christ Centered, People Loving, Service Oriented and Inclusive Church ministering to the spiritual and temporal needs of the Central Florida community and surrounding areas.



We gather for worship, then scatter to serve.
We find great joy in serving our church family right here at home, but there's something even more exciting about stepping outside these walls and caring for the Central Florida area.

Whether it's having a Nurse or NP on duty at church to provide care, our free food pantry, delivering farm fresh goodies to our beloved seniors’ doorsteps, bringing church services to the home-bound, serving lunch for everyone after church, hitting the streets of downtown Orlando to donate and minister to those in need, or organizing free community health events out where it's accessible to all, serving is our way of expressing our deepest passion and God’s love.



In Person:

Solid Rock SDA Church of Orlando
4955 Rose Avenue
Orlando, FL 32808-5950
Call us at 407-674-7822

Email us at



Click here to join us on Zoom (Sabbath School, Church Service, Prayer Meeting, and Bible Study)

Zoom: Meeting ID 945 1350 9938

Passcode: 388805

Dial in Phone Number: 646-568-7788



Every Saturday (Sabbath)
Service Times:  9:15 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sabbath School:  9:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Worship Service:  11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Bible Study Class:  1 hour before Sunset on Saturdays (lasts 1 hour)
AY (casual afternoon) Meeting:  6:30 pm on Saturdays (lasts 1 hour)

Prayer Meeting (Zoom):  Wednesday Nights  7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Women's Ministries (Zoom):  Friday Nights 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Early Morning Manna Prayer Line: Monday - Friday from 5:15 a.m. - 5:30 a.m.

We would love to have you join in!



What should I wear? You'll see a variety here at Solid Rock. Many wear business or formal clothes, while others wear more casual dresses or khakis. We say come as you are!


What about my kids? We have Children's Sabbath School, tailored for children aged 2-13 years old! Our enthusiastic teachers genuinely enjoy working with kids and will treat them with utmost care.

From 9:15am -10:45am, your child(ren) will learn Bible stories, make new friends, sing, and unleash their creativity with fun arts and crafts. Running late? No problem! You can bring them in anytime.

During Church Service

Before the main church service starts, please feel free to take a fun Children's Bible Activity sheet and crayons at the Welcome Desk. (You can return or keep the crayons.) They can go up for Children's Story and have fun with other kids collecting offering.

Mother's Room

If your little ones need care during service, you are welcome to use our soundproof Mother's Room (for both moms and dads). It's right outside the Sanctuary doors to the left, and always open and available. You will still be able to see and hear the service in there for as long as you need.

Inside is a changing table with wipes, a crib, a desk and chairs for toddlers, and couches for parents, nursing moms, and kids to relax on. There is also a bathroom within the room. Our cleaning crew thoroughly sanitizes the Mother's Room from top to bottom every week before services.


What will the service be like? We have singing, a special welcome, prayer & praise report time, special music, offering, more praise and worship, and then preaching. You can follow along with what comes next in the bulletin you get at the Welcome Desk. You'll often see the words to the songs on the screen. If you don't know the songs, it's totally okay! Service usually lasts for about 1.5 hours.

Some people wave their hands in praise; some nod, some sing along, some stand up and worship. You can do what makes you feel comfortable. On any given Sabbath, you might hear a praise and worship song right next to an acapella hymn in the same service.

Sometimes we have lunch after church...if we do, you are definitely invited! Just come on back to the Rose Center with us and eat. We have some great Caribbean cooks and caterers in our congregation, and we often eat vegan or vegetarian food.


Do I have to give offering as a first-time visitor? No, you are never required to give anything, only do it if the Holy Spirit impresses it on your heart. We will never pressure you or anyone to give.


Where's the restroom? When leaving the Sanctuary, the Ladies' Restroom is immediately to the Right, just past the balcony entrance and water fountain. The Men's Restroom is straight ahead just past the Welcome Desk on the Right side. Both restrooms are labeled for quick discovery. Both are wheelchair accessible.








Pastor Samuel M. Dade, Jr.

Sam Dade came to us on February 16, 2019. Prior to coming to this church, he served as Senior Pastor for the Patmos Chapel, in Winter Park, Florida for 8 years. 

He is loved and admired for his genuine love for people, unwavering devotion/love for God and family. He is a graduate of Columbia Union College, Takoma Park, MD with a degree in Theology.  

He is married to Mrs. Annette Dade of Barbados, West Indies. They have four adult children and four grand children.

Pastor Dade has been in ministry for over 33 years. He has a strong multicultural background and believes in Christ Centered Unity, embracing diversity and inclusion of all people.


Pastor Dade is biblically sound in his teaching and preaching. He is grounded in the Word and ever growing in Christ.








This is what our printed visitor card looks like. You can fill it out and drop it in the offering, or give it to an usher or greeter. You can choose to do it online instead below.




Thank you for being here with us today! This is the digital version of our printed Connect Card.

If there's something we didn't cover or if you'd like to talk with someone, please let us know under the "Questions, Comments, Prayer Requests" section.

Please fill out the form below and we will get you connected! We will send you a little text to say hi and see how we can serve you. God bless you and your family!